30 Years. Unity. Strength. Global Change.

Over the last three decades, Bond and our incredible 350+ members from the international development and humanitarian sector have been working side-by-side to help create a just, fair, and sustainable world.

As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we're excited to reflect on the key moments and positive changes that we've achieved together...

The British Overseas NGOs for Development (aka Bond) is founded with 61 members, united in creating a just, fair and sustainable world.

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During the UK government's presidency of the EU, Bond took the lead in coordinating the international development sector's contributions.

Make Poverty History campaign launches and Bond has the honour of chairing the coordination team.

200,000+ people gather in Edinburgh during the G8 summit and march in support of the campaign.

G8 leaders at the summit in Gleneagles, agree to write off debts owed by lower-income countries to the World Bank, IMF and African Development Bank. Plus, the UK government pledges to increase annual UK aid by $50 billion by 2010.

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We officially change our name from the British Overseas NGOs for Development to Bond.

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Bond helps coordinate the Put People First campaign. It includes a 35,000-strong march in London calling on G20 leaders to recognise that just, fair and sustainable policies are the only way to lift the world out of recession.

#TurnUpSaveLives campaign, led by Bond and member organisations, results in the UK enshrining 0.7% Official Development Assistance (ODA) spending target in law.

Bond also campaigns to get Generation Y thinking collaboratively about development issues – from poverty and inequality to climate change – via the European Year of Development.

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Following the Safeguarding Summit, Bond brings UK INGOs, the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Charity Commission together to commit to improving the sector’s safeguarding standards.

Bond successfully secures a commitment from the Department for International Development (DFID) to ensure all UK development and humanitarian programmes are financially assured if there’s a no-deal Brexit.

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Bond helps the sector to navigate the challenges of Covid-19 in the UK and the countries we work in by bringing our members and the government together to coordinate responses.

Plus, we produce resources, updates and webinars to keep colleagues informed and help them adapt.

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Bond chairs the Civil Society 7 (C7) – a group of organisations responsible for engaging with the G7 on urgent civil society issues. We successfully challenge both the UK aid cuts and the proposed merger of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) with DFID.

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Bond publishes Becoming locally led as an anti-racist practice: a guide – in order to encourage the UK NGO sector to work in partnership with local organisations and help them push for more funding, power and resources.

We also host The Power in Development Conference: Building an Equitable System. Speakers from around the world showcase practical steps INGOs, donors and government should take to move towards a locally led and anti-racist development system.

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We celebrate 30 incredible years of uniting with our members to bring about global change.

We look forward to welcoming more members and growing even stronger as we work to shape a fairer and sustainable future for all.

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